Co chairs: Carol Ast & Lois Kelly

This year’s guild challenge is going to be a SNIPPET Mystery! Are you ready to open a mystery bag filled with fun, exciting and colorful SNIPPETS of fabric and to use your creativity to construct a fabric wonder? If your answer is YES, then plan to join this year’s challenge.  
Guild members must sign up with either Carol or Lois by Tuesday, August 15, 2023 to participate (this will allow us to prepare YOUR special mystery bag). Bags will be distributed at the October guild meeting along with minimal instructions for putting together your very special work of fabric art. Your creativity, your bag of SNIPPETS, and ONE fat quarter from your
stash is all you need to participate. Take a chance, join in the fun!!
Sign up at the August 2023 guild meeting OR contact:
Carol Ast 
Lois Kelly 
REMEMBER you must sign up by August 15, 2023