General Membership Meetings

Meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M., at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Paso Robles. There is a social time beginning at 6:30 P.M. This is subject to change, but prior notice will be given. When we have a paid guest speaker, we may have the
guild meeting on the Friday before the scheduled workshop.

Board Meetings

Currently meetings are held at 7:00 P.M. on a designated Monday of
each month, at the discretion of the current Board of Officers.
Board Members will be notified of Meeting location.
Special Events May Include:

  • Yes Ma’am quilt raffle every other year (odd years)
  •  Birthday Party
  •  Holiday Auction
  •  Seven Sisters Quilt Show
  •  Airing of the Quilts
  •  Opportunity Quilt (for the Quilt show)

Almond Country Quilt Guild
P.O. Box 538
Templeton, CA 93465

Holiday Auction

Members donate items to be auctioned. This event is open to the public. After expenses are deducted, the remaining profits are usually donated to two pre-determined local charities and our guild.

Guidelines for selecting charities:

  1.  The organization should be able to designate that the donated
    funds be spent in the northern part of San Luis Obispo County.
  2.  At least one of the recipients for the annual Holiday Auction should benefit children/youth.
  3.  Once an organization is selected it may not be chosen again for at least three years.
  4. The amount of government funding the recipient receives (as a percentage of overall operating budget) will be considered with an emphasis on helping those organizations that receive less government funding.
  5. The amount of people who will benefit will be considered, in an effort to provide assistance to those helping multiple clients, compared with helping just one or two clients.

The Almond Country Quilt Guild may also be found on-line at where you might find photos from the recent meetings, workshops, and shows, along with workshop supply lists, membership information, and meeting dates and locations.

Standing Rules

1. General Meetings:

  1. General Meetings are to be held the first Monday of every month except when a special guest speaker is accompanied by a workshop.
  2. Members will sign in at the door and wear a name tag, or pay a
    25 cent penalty. Name tag design is up to the individual, but
    the name should be easily readable.
  3. Members are asked not to bring children less than 12 years of
    age to the meetings.

2. Equipment:

  1. Group Logo and Newsletter name
  2. Elected officers and standing committees shall maintain a notebook to be passed on.

3. Membership:

  1. The membership roster may not be used for non-guild business
  2. Renewal cards are available from the Membership Chair.
  3. Courtesy memberships are given to area merchants dealing in quilting supplies and have certain restrictions.
  4. Dues are $20 per year and are half the total ($10) after January 1st of each year.
  5. The Membership Roster is to be published and distributed during the fall with a spring update each year.
  6. Each member is to receive a Membership Handbook, which includes Guild and Scholarship information.

4. Newsletter:

  1. All members shall receive a monthly Newsletter.
  2. Newsletter changes may be made at the discretion of the Editor.
  3. Courtesy memberships shall receive a Newsletter.

5. Due to perceived or actual conflict of interest, the Executive Board of Officers’ positions may not be held by an area merchant dealing with quilting supplies.

6. The President and 2nd Vice-President are entitled to participate in Workshops, at no charge. This privilege cannot be delegated.
7. These standing rules may be changed or amended by majority vote of the Board of Officers of the Almond Country Quilters.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Almond Country Quilt Guild By-laws

Article I – Name

The name of this organization shall be: Almond Country Quilt Guild, henceforth to be known as the Organization, or ACQG.

Article II – Purpose

The Almond Country Quilt Guild shall be a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of, knowledge and participation in, the craft/art of quilting, patchwork, appliqué, and other aspects of quilt making. The Organization shall act as an information network for quilters with similar objectives in promoting continuing interest in quilting.

Article III – Members

Section I.  Any person, 16 years of age and above, interested in the purposes of the group may become a member upon payment of dues in the amount set by the membership and listed in the Standing Rules. A junior membership is
available at age 12 to those who are sponsored by a member in good standing. Junior members must be accompanied by their sponsor to all Guild functions. Junior membership dues are the same as regular membership dues.

Section 2.  Annual dues are due and payable July 1, and are delinquent after August 31. Persons joining after January 1st will pay one-half the annual dues.

Section 3. Privileges of membership include the right to attend meetings and vote, right to hold elected office or chairmanship, use of ACQG library, a copy of the membership directory, and a subscription to the newsletter.

Section 4. Guests may attend one general meeting as a guest without fees or dues, except for closed meetings when seating capacity is limited. Upon attendance at the second meeting annual dues must be paid.

Section 5. No part of the income or assets of the Organization shall benefit any member unless said member is hired for a particular function, demonstration, or educational purpose for which an outside party normally could be hired.  Such service must have a signed a contract approved by the Board prior to the delivery of service.

Section 6. As a courtesy to quilting, fabric, and craft shops, or other related businesses, a newsletter and general meeting admission for designated representative (singular) is given. No other privileges apply, such as special events, or voting rights, etc.

Article IV – Elected Officers

Section 1. The elected officers of the organization shall be: President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 2. Term of office is for one (1) year or until successors are elected and duly qualified. Elected officers may not hold the same office for more than two (2) consecutive years.

Section 3. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting in May and shall assume their duties following installation in June.

Article V – Duties of Officers

Section 1. The Executive Board shall be responsible for review of and acquiring the organization’s insurance policy (ies) as well as other outside contracts and/or affiliations the Guild may enter into.

Section 2. Specific duties for each office shall be outlined in procedures manuals. These manuals, along with end-of-year reports, shall be returned to the President at the Board meeting in June.

Section 3. President shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the membership and Board.
  2. Appoint, with Board approval, all committee chairpersons, except nominating committee.
  3. Sign, Organization checks with the Treasurer.
  4. Ensure that all reports, contracts, certificates, and other documents required by law, are properly executed and filed in a timely manner.
  5. Maintain a file of said reports, contracts, and certificates.
  6. Be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the nominating committee.
  7. May remain as an ex-officio member of the Board for one (1) year following term of office.

Section 4: First Vice-President shall:

  1. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of, or at the request of, the President.
  2. Be Program Chairperson, in charge of programs for the meetings.
  3. Be authorized to sign checks in the absence of the President.

Section 5. Second Vice-President shall:

  1. Be Special Events Chairman responsible of arranging lectures, trunk shows, and fee related workshops.
  2. Ensure that all contracts are properly executed, filed and a copy given to the President and Treasurer.
  3. Work closely with the First Vice-President so that special events and programs do not conflict.

Section 6. Secretary shall:

  1. Keep a permanent record of all the Board meeting minutes.
  2. Be responsible for getting a copy of the Board meeting minutes to the President no later than seven (7) days following each Board meeting.
  3. Keep a record of attendance at all Board meetings.
  4. Handle all official correspondence of the Organization.
  5. Highlight Board actions and considerations and submit them for inclusion in the current newsletter.
  6. Keep a permanent record of all business transacted during the Guild meetings.

Section 7. Treasurer shall:

  1. Be Chairperson of the Budget Committee.
  2. Present a Statement of Finance at each meeting of the Board.
  3. Keep a permanent ledger of all financial transactions of the ACQG.
  4. Be authorized to sign Organization checks with either the President or the First Vice-President, with two signatures required at all times.
  5. Be responsible for filing the necessary financial forms with the Federal and State governments.

Article VI – Meetings
Section 1. General Meetings:
General membership meetings of the organization shall be held at a time and place designated by the Board.

Section 2. Special General Meetings:
Special general meetings can be called by the President, the Executive Board, or at the written request of five (5) members. Written notice of such a meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting. No business other than that stated shall be conducted.

Section 3. Annual Meetings:
The general meeting in May shall be known as the Annual Meeting. Elections will be held at this time.

Section 4. Quorum:
For the purpose of conducting business fifty (50) members shall constitute a quorum at any general meeting.

Article VII. The Board

Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected officers.

Section 2. The Board consists of the Executive Board and the standing  committee chairpersons.

Section 3. The quorum of the Board shall be nine (9) members, three (3) of  which must be from the Executive Board and six (6) which will be the chairpersons from six (6) standing committees.

Section 4. Voting rights for Board issues are held by the executive board and one chairperson from each standing committee.

Section 5. When a Board member has more than two (2) consecutive unexcused absences from Board meetings, the Board has the authority to declare that office vacant.

Section 6. Any officer or chairperson may resign by submitting a written resignation to the Executive Board.

Section 7. Vacancies occurring on the Board shall be filled through Board appointment; such appointed member to serve until the end of the current term. This holds true for the Executive Board also.

Section 8. Meetings of the Board shall be held at a time a place designated by the Board.

Section 9. Special Board meetings may be called by the President, or at the request of five (5) Board members.

Article VIII – Standing Committees

Section 1. Standing Committee Chairpersons shall:

  1. Be appointed by the President
  2. Consist of membership, newsletter Editor, Publicity, Librarian, Historian, Block-of-the-Month, Hospitality, Parliamentarian, Door Prizes, Education/Scholarship, and Community Quilts.
  3. Name other members to their committee, as appropriate, and submit a written list of these members to the Secretary.
  4. Attend Board meetings and report their activities.
  5. Keep a copy of their expenses so they can present the original bill (s) to the Treasurer for payment.
  6. Maintain the Procedure Manual for their committee and return it to the President at the June Board Meeting.

Section 2. Membership shall:

  1. Keep a current Roster of Members and see that copies go to the President, Secretary, and Newsletter Editor, with notice of new and dropped Members.
  2. Be in charge of sign-in procedures for Members and
  3. Print a bi-annual Directory of Membership (September and February).
  4. Issue Membership cards.
  5. Serve as official “Greeter” and see that all Guests and new Members are introduced at meetings.

Section 3. Newsletter Editor shall:

  1. Publish the Newsletter to keep members informed of activities and coming events.
  2. Mail with the Newsletter such additional material as approved by the Executive Board.
  3. Send a copy of each Newsletter to the Historian to be filed.

Section 4. Publicity shall:

  1. Notify area news media of ACQG activities, special events, and meetings.
  2. Be responsible for posters, flyers, and other types of advertising or news for all ACQG activities, except for special committees or events.

Section 5. Librarian shall:

  1. Be responsible for maintaining, cataloging, and supervising the Organization’s Library.
  2. Make recommendation to the Executive Board for books and other material(s) to be added to the Library.
  3.  Arrange to keep a permanent file of patterns used for Block-of-the-Month.

Section 6. Historian shall:

  1. Maintain the Historian’s Book and the files to record activities of the ACQG.
  2. Save quilting related pictures, news articles, etc., that include ACQG members.

Section 7. Block-of-the-Month shall:

  1. Be responsible for selecting, presenting, and supervising the Block-of-the-Month activities.
  2. Maintain a record of patterns, fabrics, participation, and winners.
  3. File copies of patterns with the Librarian.

Section 8. Hospitality shall:

  1. Be responsible for serving refreshments at meetings.
  2. Establish a committee for set-up and clean-up for meetings and socials.

Section 9. Parliamentarian shall:

  1.  Chair the Nominating Committee.
  2.  Advise the President if a violation of parliamentary procedure has occurred.
  3. Maintain up-to-date copies of By-Laws and Standing Rules.
  4. Chair and appoint a By-Laws Committee as needed.

Section 10. Door Prize Chair shall:

  1. Acquire door prizes from area merchants who deal in quilt related supplies.
  2. Hold drawings during the business portion of the meeting and keep track of winners.

Section 11. Education/Scholarship shall:

  1. Be responsible for offering continuing education to members on requested topics through quarterly workshops.
  2. Administer the ACQG Scholarship Program.

Section 12. Community Quilts shall:

  1. Plan, buy, and distribute materials for their projects.
  2. Evaluate community needs for distribution of quilts.
  3. Provide a guild program once a year.

Article IX – Special Committees
Section 1. The Executive Board may establish special committees, as needed, to carry out progress of the Organization. Such Committees are appointed for a specific purpose and when the duty assigned them is accomplished, they cease
to exist.

Section 2. Each committee Chairperson will establish and/or maintain a Procedure Manual for their committee and turn it in to the President at the end of their term.

Section 3. By-Laws Committee shall:

  1. Consist of at least one (1) past executive officer, three general members, and the Chairperson.
  2. Review and update By-Laws, as necessary.

Section 4. Quilt Show Chairperson shall:

  1. Be appointed by the President.
  2. Establish a Quilt Show date.
  3. Establish committees.
  4. Be responsible to see that the quilt show treasurer prepare a fiscal year end (June 30th) report and give it to the ACQG treasurer at or before the July Board meeting.

Section 5. Budget Committee shall:

  1. Consist of two (2) members appointed by the President with the Treasurer as Chairperson.
  2. Prepare the proposed budget for the year for presentation at the general membership meeting in August.
  3. Reconvene in February to adjust the proposed budget as necessary.
  4. Submit resulting budgets to the newsletter editor for the September and March publication.

Section 6. Representative to the Southern California Council of Quilt Guilds (SCCQG) shall:

  1. Attend quarterly meetings of the SCCQG.
  2. Be the liaison between the ACQG Board and the SCCQG,
  3. Give a quarterly report of the SCCQG meeting to the ACQG Board and at the general membership meeting.
  4. Form committee (2) as necessary for participation in the AQGCC events authorized by the ACQG general membership.

Article X – Fiscal Matters and Audit

Section 1. The fiscal year shall be from 1 July to 30 June.

Section 2. The Budget Committee, with the Treasurer as Chairperson, shall prepare the year’s proposed budget for presentation at the general meeting in August.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall have custody of, and be responsible for all funds and securities and shall deposit such funds in a Federally Insured Depository designated by the Board.

Section 4. The Treasurer is authorized to sign checks with the President or the First Vice-President, as two (2) signatures are required.

Section 5. Immediately following the June Meeting, the executive Board shall arrange for the Treasurer’s records to be audited.

Section 6. In the event of a vacancy in the Office of Treasurer, an audit shall be made before a new Treasurer assumes the office.

Section 7. A standing committee Chairperson may spend up to twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, at their discretion without Board approval.

Article XI – Election and Installation

Section 1. At the February meeting, a Nominating Committee of five (5) members shall be appointed. There will be two (2) from the Board and three (3) from the General Membership.

Section 2. At the same meeting, three (3) alternates shall be appointed so that any committee member who might be nominated for office shall resign and be replaced by an alternate.

Section 3. The Nominating Committee shall:

  1. Recruit members to run for office.
  2. Prepare a slate* of nominees including one or more individuals who have expressed a desire to any member of the committee to hold a particular office.
    * A slate is a pre-arranged list, as of political candidates before their nomination or election, or to put on a political slate or list of any sort.

Section 4. The election of officers shall take place at the Annual Meeting in May, after the complete slate of nominees and the call to vote has been made known to all members in the May newsletter.

Section 5. When more than one candidate has been nominated for an office, the election shall be done by ballot. Where there is only one nominee, the election may be by voice vote or general consent.

Section 6. In the event that a member requests the opportunity to vote without being present, absentee balloting will be permitted providing the following guidelines are followed:
An absentee ballot packet must be requested by, and provided for, the member. An absentee ballot packet shall consist of a ballot with the names of the candidates competing for an office, an inner envelope with a space for voting signature placed on its face, and outer, self-addressed, stamped envelope with the words”ballot enclosed”, and instructions for proper handling of the ballot. The ballot, once marked, needs to be folded and placed in the inner envelope, sealed, signed and placed in the outer return envelope for mailing.

The mailing address on the return envelope should be that of the Parliamentarian to reduce the possibility of anyone other than the election committee members handling the ballot.

The packet may also contain a candidate’s statement as to their qualifications and vision for the Guild provided that all nominees are accorded equal opportunity and space.

For a vote by mail—so that there may be no question of the result in the event that the vote if close—it is important that the mailing list used should exactly correspond to the current official roll of voting members.

For this purpose the membership chair shall furnish to the election chair
(Parliamentarian) a list of the names and mailing addresses of record of all persons legally entitled to vote.

The ballot sent to the member should be pre-folded a sufficient number of
times so that—when returned marked and refolded in the same manner and sealed in the inner envelope—there will be no chance of accidental observance of the member’s vote by the teller who removes the ballot from the inner envelope.
The Parliamentarian should hold all ballots in the outer envelopes for delivery, unopened for the general meeting where the votes will be counted.

At that meeting all inner envelopes are first removed from the outer envelopes. In the procedure by which the teller removed the ballots from the inner envelopes, each envelope and ballot is handled in the following manner:

  1. The signature on the envelope is checked against the list of qualified voters.
  2.   The voter is checked off on the list as having voted.
  3. The envelope is opened and the ballot is removed and placed, still folded, into a receptacle.

When all inner envelopes have been thus processed, the ballots are taken from the receptacle and the votes are counted. In order to ensure the accuracy and secrecy of such a vote by mail, special care should be taken in handling the ballots. The Parliamentarian must be able to certify the results from both of
these standpoints. Should two (2) ballots be received evidently sent in by the same member, the above procedure permits the member to be contacted for determination of which is their true vote and, if both are, which (the most recent) is to be counted.

Section 7. The elected officer shall be installed at the June meeting. The outgoing Board is responsible for the June meeting and the incoming Board is responsible for the July meeting.

Article XII – Amendments

Section 1. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the by-laws committee for consideration.

Section 2. The by-laws may be amended by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the members present.

Section 3. Previous notice of proposed amendments must be given to all members at least twenty-five (25) days in advance of discussion and voting.

Section 4. The proposed by-laws amendments will be presented to the ACQG members by article and receive a yea or nea vote.

Article XIII – Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of the Almond Country Quilt Guild, all of the assets remaining after payment of obligations shall be distributed to other non-profit organizations (s), operated exclusively for the purposes consistent with those of the ACQG. The recipient shall be chosen at the discretion of the Board.

Article XIV – Parliamentary Guidelines

The rules contained in the latest issue of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern ACQG in all cases where they are not inconsistent with these by-laws, and any special rules of order ACQG may adopt.


Almond Country Quilt Guild
Scholarship Program Guidelines

Almond Country Quilt Guild set up a Scholarship Program with the intent to further the education of quilters through participation in Guild-sponsored workshops, local quilt shop classes, and Pacific International Quilt Festival (PIQF) classes. Each year the guild tries to offer four (4) workshops given by instructors from outside the Guild membership.

These workshops cost Guild members a fee, as the Guild is obliged to pay food, travel expenses, and teaching fees to these instructors. The Guild tries to offer four (4) free education workshops taught by Guild members. The Guild also offers twelve (12) scholarships of up to $40.00 each, which can be used for local quilt shop classes. PIQF scholarships are $100 and are to attend a workshop and pay for some of the expenses incurred.

Scholarships currently available consist of:
Two (2) recipients for each of four (4) fee-related Workshops—(cost of one day’s workshop——-8

One (1) recipient for PIQF (usually drawn in May)—–1
Twelve (12) recipients for local shop classes (usually drawn in September)—–12

TOTAL——21 members

To be eligible for a scholarship, each winner must be a paid member of the Almond Country Quilt Guild. They will be drawn from a list of current paid members who have expressed a desire to be in the drawing. Each winner of the twelve (12) local quilt shop class Scholarships must wait twelve (12) months from the month of winning before becoming eligible for another Scholarship. Winners are encouraged to either teach what they learned at an education workshop or share what they learned at a General meeting. Alternate names are drawn in case the name drawn is unable to use the Scholarship. Two months prior to a fee-relate workshop, a signup list for Guild members interested in receiving a Scholarship will be circulated during the Guild’s General meeting.

The winning names drawn for fee-related workshop Scholarships will be chosen from the sign up list and the class registration list.

Every quilt shop class Scholarship winner pays for the class and then submits a copy of the receipt to the Scholarship Chairperson. Reimbursement for each Scholarship will be mailed to the recipient following the next Monthly
Guild Board meeting.

Every recipient of the twelve (12) local quilt shop scholarships must use their Scholarship before the Guild fiscal year ends, June 30th.
Every recipient should let the Scholarship Chairperson know, as soon as possible, if they are unable to use their Scholarship.


This guild activity initially consisted of members making and turning in blocks at the guild meeting. For each block turned in, the quilter’s name was entered for a drawing of all or part of the blocks turned in. After winning, a member had to turn in three blocks before becoming eligible to win again. In recent years, new ideas have replaced the block drawing such as having members take part in a mystery challenge, making blocks for a quilt but each member keeping them or typing the block of the month to the annual quilt challenge.

Fabric Selection for Blocks to be Turned in for a Drawing  As you select fabrics to use in your block, please try to remember the goal of this entire exercise – that is to create blocks that will make a beautiful quilt for the winner and not to create a spectacular block that will attract everyone’s attention. To this end, we ask you to meet the following specifications in your choice (s):

  1. The Guild will provide enough background fabric to complete one block when the chairperson thinks it is necessary for the block. You can purchase extra fabric from the chairperson, if you desire.
  2. Plains – Use good quality fabric that is 100% cotton in the hue (color) and value (light, medium, dark) requested. others Are choosing.
  3. Prints – This is more tricky. Use a good quality fabric, that is 100% cotton. Keep in mind that Your choice must Blend with the prints that others are choosing.
  4. Always pre-wash fabric.

Putting the Block Together – Patterns given for Block-of-the-Month will have a one-quarter( 1/4) inch seam allowance. When sewing by machine, use a stitch length of 12-14 stitches per inch. Use thread to match your fabric, or neutral. Check to see that seam lines are matching when pieces are sewn together. Follow pressing directions given on the Block-of-the-Month directions. Usually seam allowances are pressed to one side and toward the darker fabric, but not always.
Past Presidents

2016-             Carol Ast
2014-2016 Dora Cary
2012-2014 Dorothy Deis
2010-2012 Elizabeth Roebber
2008-2010 Thora Snelson
2006-2008 Dawn Stemper
2004-2006 Sandy Garcia
2003-2004 Joanne Storer
2001-2003 Laura Afana
2000-2001 Cindy Peters
1999-2000 Michelle Hoggatt
1997-1999 Diana Imhoof
1995-1997 Cheryl Cramer
1993-1995 Bebe Belmont
1991-1993 Joanna Myrick
1989-1991 Arnette Demarest